Saturday, May 12, 2018

Student Procrastination Laziness or Anxiety

Student Procrastination Laziness or Anxiety

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Student Procrastination Laziness or Anxiety

Procrastination is a common problem for students in high school and college. Frustrated parents often believe their childs procrastination comes from laziness or lack of motivation. But this is not always case. In many cases, procrastination is the result of test anxiety.

One spring morning, a mother and daughter entered my office. The girl, Jenny, was beautiful, athletic, talented, and a highly intelligent sophomore in college. Her angry mother was upset about her daughters decreasing grades and academic performance. My job was to help Jenny do better in school. I learned that despite her poor grades, Jenny was a high achiever who completed her papers early, was the captain of her volleyball team, and the president of her sorority. It was clear to me, that laziness was not her problem. What was really happening was that there was so much pressure on Jenny to perform well, that she was terrified of failure. She became so nervous when studying for tests that she put it off. She also felt guilty and helpless for being unable to control her fears. There were huge demands on Jenny to perform well in school and plan out her future.

Many students, like Jenny, suffer from performance and test anxiety. The competition is fierce and in a recessed economy jobs are harder to find and future career paths are more uncertain. Parents, who have sacrificed time and money for their childrens education, pressure them to be top tier students. Jennys mother had fun in college but regretted not doing better academically. She feared that her daughter was following in her footsteps. In reality, Jennys dropping grades was not caused by fun or laziness.

I gave Jenny a copy of the Test Anxiety Guru program to help her relax before studying. When I saw her again a few weeks later, she said the programs relaxation techniques and positive suggestions helped her feel more courageous and optimistic. She could focus on the test at hand rather than worry about how a failing grade would wreck her future. She approached exams confidently and was happy with her test scores. Acknowledging her anxiety helped her mother become more supportive and less critical. Jenny felt happier about school and more relaxed about her future.

Adults who blame procrastination on laziness may need to look more carefully at the situation. Young adults are worrying more about their futures than ever before and procrastinate in order to avoid feeling anxious. Test anxiety is a common and treatable problem. Overcoming it will make the road ahead - a lot smoother.

For more information about the Test Anxiety Guru Program please visit:

Speed Programming Competition Enhance Your Skills

Speed Programming Competition Enhance Your Skills

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Speed Programming Competition Enhance Your Skills

Speed Programming, most of the members might have not even heard this term particularly people not belonging to Computer Science. I listen it a lot when my brother got admission in Computer Science, indicating he was really fond of programming. At the time of my admission in university, he forced me to get admission in a computer university. I don't know how but I certainly started getting interest in programming and then again the term speed programming came into my life when my university organized a competition. I participated and won the competition from the freshmen side.
It was a wonderful experience to be a speed programmer. Speed Programming enhance our thinking skills. How? when we get our hands on the keyboard without having aware of the problem is going to solve or not, without being known of how we should solve this?. The time when we think and think with all our mind, is the time when we get in practice with thinking good and logically in a short time.
Speed Programming competitions also helps you making decisions, not in a programming life but also in the practical life. If you are still asking how than my answer is going to be the nearly the same, that is "Thinking practice".
Some people who do not take participate in such competition or those who not actually get success in such competitions sometimes think that they might will not prove a good programmer in future life. No this is not the case, however;I am not in practical life of programming, neither I have taken some sort of survey asking programmers about this question. But my teacher once told me this thing that in practical life of programming things counted are your programing style,how you solve a certain problem, how you respond to assignment is actually count not in what time you completed a certain program.
What if this not actually count in the practical programming life?are you not going to participate in such competitions if you get a chance in your life? I think you should participate because this thing might not have any or little effect on your programmer's job but this could have a drastic change in your life at some point as already told you the importance of how this effects our practical life.
One thing I sometime think about speed programming when we try to solve a certain problem, we are somehow trying to create a good logic in a shorter time and our brain works like a machine gun firing in the war. So, if we are getting good logical mind through such competitions why we don't participate.
I have been in contact with some of my friends asking why you don't participate in such competitions?, they often give me some lame excuses like "we were not able to participate in such a tough competition while being in a learning age.". Some say,"we had not time to participate.". Some say,"we don't get enough chances from our university."
I reply them even the competition was tough and even you were not able to solve a single problem of the competition, even then this is effecting your logical thinking somehow. Because you at least thought about the problem while other don't. Some who say they had not time to participate, I reply to them if you have the time to take your dinner how could not you have to participate. And the most lame excuse I just told which is they say they don't get chance from their university. I simply say,"you don't get chance it's OK but there are also some speed programming competitions online like provides you with this flavor of speed programming, which you rarely may found in other speed programming competition.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Shining Your Light

Shining Your Light

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Shining Your Light

I conduct classes with the title, , because I believe so strongly in this message: You are a light being and have a light that is unique to you. When you stay buried under all the details of life, your light dims, and eventually, is not even distinguishable in the existence youve carved out. Truth is, at times it feels more like existence than living. It is understandable that, because your life is teeming with duties and tasks, you dont realize that you have forgotten to tend to the oil lamp and really live the life you want.

However, this lamp is what both lights your way and guides others. Truthfully, living a life you love requires less effort. Guiding others comes more when you live in the beautiful vibration that is you. It is the energy that attracts what and who you want directly to you. Living in that vibration is vital to embracing what you want and doing so means you are in the flow.

When you step into the flow, you begin to develop the skills it takes to lead your life, instead of react to life. You work on those skills and deliberately proceed as an active participant in your journey. You influence people by the way your energy shows up to others.

You have an energy field around you that acts like a magnet: you pull in those who are attracted to your vibration because they tend to vibrate in a similar way. You also repel those who are not attracted to your vibration, because it is not like theirs. The same happens with opportunities in your life you attract or repel opportunities because of your energy field, which is part of what I am referring to when I talk about your light.

Part of the issue is that we all have default tendencies. The best way to describe them is in relation to computer science. A default is a preset setting or value. When you behave by default it is because its where you are programmed to respond, without thinking about it.

Some default tendencies are helpful, like driving a car, remembering to brush your teeth or even saying, be careful when your kids go out at night. Theyre reflexive. Others are not.

Default tendencies are also related to what I talked about earlier inherited values. The good news is that this default can be consciously reprogrammed.

Your default tendencies are created by messages that were dumped into your subconscious mind in a way that now has become fairly insidious. Small comments like whats wrong with you or why cant you be more like your sister or sit down and stop asking questions sent the message that you are not good enough. They also tell you that your value is linked to your behavior.

So, you may keep trying to prove your value in ways you are unaware of. Perhaps you cant accept a compliment; you get angry when someone slights you; you take things very personally because you cant put them in perspective. Maybe you default to always apologizing if anything goes wrong. Even if it is not your fault, you say, Im sorry. Your default is your subconscious talkingyour inherited values and belief systems that keep you stuck. Your false belief system. The story you inherited. It worked for you when you were younger, and youve adopted it subconsciously as an adult.

Values are also part of the story you inherited, and were impressed upon you at an early age. Often, you act by default based on those values, without consciously thinking about it. When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself what your own values are? We all are basically good people, and tend to value integrity, honesty, kindness etc. But what is important to you? Is it passion? Creativity? Drive? Financial independence? Growth? Maybe you dont care about timeliness but really value spontaneity? You dont know until you explore for yourself.

Your default tendencies also show up in behaviors. A simple example is if you grow up in a household full of arguing, your default tendency may be, when you want to prove your point, to argue. (Also, you may feel the need to prove your point!) It might not occur to you that perhaps this isnt the best way to a) get what you want and b) solve the problem. In fact, argument usually completely denies a solution or compromise!

So, your light is dimmed when you are not living your authentic life, according to your values, your belief system, your inner knowing that is yearning to come out. Default tendencies are there to make life easier, but, it takes conscious effort to choose which ones to keep, and which ones to let go of. When you dont let go of the defaults that are not serving you, you stay buried. All of the inauthentic pieces create a blanket that covers your light.

So what are some of your defaults? Where in your life are you reactive instead of thoughtfully proactive? Where do you get buried in the details of your life? Start the process by just observing your own behaviors, asking yourself questions about what you value and believe in order to start removing what blankets your light. Its a process, but one so very worth doing.

Today I choose to live my life proactively. I observe what I am reacting based on old stories and when I am choosing to embody a higher vibration. More and more, I realize that guilt and fear have no place in my life of high vibration.

SEO Made Easy How to Optimize Your Blog Posts

SEO Made Easy How to Optimize Your Blog Posts

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SEO Made Easy How to Optimize Your Blog Posts

SEO Made Easy: How to Optimize Your Blog Posts

Are you ready to optimize your blog posts so that you can get the traffic you deserve?

Maintaining a blog is an exciting but difficult task. Whether youre writing a blog for your companys website or starting one up all on your own, its important that everyone gets a chance to see your work.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means optimizing the content of your blog so that it can rank higher in search listings.

You dont have to have a background in marketing or computer science to master SEO for your blog.

In this SEO Made Easy post, well cover how to optimize your blog to get the reach you want. Read on for insight!

1. Know What SEO Is

Before you can even jump into optimizing your blog, youve got to know what SEO really is.

The concept is actually pretty simple. Everyone searches for things in Google, and the results that pop up for any search will appear in a certain order. Basically, Google will rank more authoritative sites more highly.

An authoritative site is optimized for certain keyword searches, has a solid platform and viewership, and follows all of Googles guidelines.

Implementing SEO means using the right keywords for certain content and sticking inside of these guidelines.

2. Choose Your Keywords

The next thing to figure out with SEO Made Easy is your keyword or phrase. You want to choose the keyword or phrase that people will most likely type into a search engine to find your post.

So, if you trying to optimize a blog post on tiny houses, for example, youd want to choose the key phrase tiny houses or living small.

In general, its important to choose a variety of keywords and phrases. Ideally, youll want to choose a different one for every blog post. (Youll also want to choose a different one for every page of your website, but thats a different story.)

Feel free to do some research first to see who your competition is. This may mean Googling tiny houses, for example, and seeing what comes up.

If youre having trouble choosing a keyword, think of synonyms. This could be as basic as optimizing a post for very small houses rather than tiny houses.

You can also use Googles Keyword Planner to choose your best keywords. Its entirely free and easy to use.

3. Put Those Keywords to Work

After youve picked your keywords and/or phrases, its time to actually use them. There is a strategy and a science to using them well, so this is an important step.

In general, optimizing content for a certain keyword means sprinkling it appropriately throughout your post. So, if your keyword is tiny houses, youll want to use this several times throughout the blog post.

But how many times? You dont want to oversaturate your post with keywords, so use them judiciously.

But in general, you want to use one in your blog posts title, the meta description that will appear in search listings, and every so often throughout the post itself.

Youll also want to use your keyword in at least one Header 2 Tag. Google has an affinity for H2 tags, and so a post with at least one keyword in an H2 tag will optimize well.

This really is SEO made easy, isnt it?

4. Dont Forget About Images

Its not just about the text when it comes to optimizing your blog for searches. You can also optimize images!

To optimize an image for a certain keyword, make sure you title them and choose an alt text. This isnt as complicated as it sounds. Remember, this is SEO made easy.

Before you even insert an image into your post, make sure it has a title that incorporates your keyword.

The alt text is simply the extra description you can add to an image file. Its another great opportunity for you to incorporate your keyword!

Make sure you do this for every image you input into your blog. If you arent sure if youve optimized an image effectively, go back to the file to check its title and alt text.

5. And Links

The last step to take in optimizing your blog is to insert internal links into your post. This means embedding a few hyperlinks in your content that can send the reader to other posts on your site.

What does this have to do with SEO made easy? Well, internal linking can actually be good for your SEO performance. It gives you more authority as a writer and shows that the post is actually part of a bigger story.

You can also keep your readers reading by incorporating links to other relevant posts that youve written. Win-win.

6. Track Your SEO Performance

Its essential to stay on top of your SEO performance so that you can ensure youre doing it right. But dont worryyou dont need to be a data scientist to track your SEO.

You can easily install an SEO plugin that will track your optimization easily. Look for SEO plugins ideal for whatever platform youre using, such as WordPress. The SEO plugin Yoast is popular among WordPress users.

You can also use Google Analytics to see the effect your optimization has had on your traffic. If you arent using this for your blog, do so immediately!

To help with this, See All Media also offers a free SEO audit. Check it out!

Dont forget to frequently check your work against Googles guidelines, either. You dont want to harm your authority by missing an important SEO rule.

SEO Made Easy: Optimizing Your Blog Posts

Your blog deserves readership, and one of the best ways to get it is to optimize your content. Luckily, it is possible to master SEO all on your own.

Begin by understanding the basic principles of SEO and spending some time choosing the best keywords. Optimize each post for the specific keywords youve chosen, and make sure to track your keyword performance regularly.

Dont forget to interlink your posts, too!

At Article City, we are here to transform your digital marketing strategy. Drive more traffic to your blog with the help of professionals who know what inbound marketing is all about.

Sign up for your free account today!

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Reflexology Research

Reflexology Research

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Reflexology Research

Reflexology is about connecting energetic reflex relationships in the body. The most commonly known is foot reflexology. Other reflexology areas include: the ears, spine, hands, and face. The reflex zones "correspond" or reflex to regions and organs throughout the body. By touching specific areas on the foot, the abnormalities or imbalances in the corresponding distant organs are stimulated.
Remarkable pictographs from Ankhmahor's Tomb and Khentika's Tomb at Saqqara memorializing two viziers to Teti, 6th dynasty appear to represent manipulation of fingers and toes. These pictographs suggest the intention of a therapeutic form of reflexology.
Cutting edge science has come to reflexology research and the impact of "reflexological stimulation" on the body. Singaporean researchers have demonstrated studies that reflexological stimulation causes physical relaxation and in one study that it impacts heart function. The studies use "chaos theory" to quantify results and create an understanding of the mechanism of action at work in the application of reflexology.
The Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore with S. S. Iyengar from the Department of Computer Science at Louisiana State University have conducted three reflexology related studies.
Reflexological stimulation was measured by electroencephalograph (EEG) in two studies and electrocardiograph (ECG) in the other. (The EEG measures brain activity and the ECG measures heart activity.) In each study, the data was quantified using complex computer analysis to create a broad picture of how the body works during reflexological stimulation. During a typical ECG assessment, the activity of the heart is plotted over a period of time producing a "linear" wave-like pattern. A heart abnormality experienced by an individual, however, may not take place during that ECG test. Quantifying "non-linear" analysis of the ECG allows more complex data from the ECG to be assessed. With the use of a computer's brain power to correlate such information, the application of non-linear quantification techniques allows assessment of potentially useful information missed during a "linear" measurement. As an example, use of such assessment "has been used in medicine to detect some cardiac arrhythmia such as ventricular fibrillation."
This kind of assessment allows a breakthrough in measuring the effects of reflexology. (N. Kannathal, Joseph K. Paul, C. M. Lim and K. P. Chua, "Effect of Reflexology on EEG - A Nonlinear Approach," The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 4, 641-650, 2004: PMID: 15481653)
In one study of eight individuals, an EEG was taken during a normal resting condition and then under reflexological stimulation of the brain reflex area of the hand, the upper one-third of the thumb. Specifically, "we conclude that reflexological stimulation, from the signals and systems point of view bring the brain-mind mechanism to a lower dimensional chaos indicating a state of 'order out of disorder.'... "We expected this, as reflexology claims to de-stress and bring relaxation to the brain." (N. Kannathal, Joseph K. Paul, C. M. Lim and K. P. Chua, "Effect of Reflexology on EEG - A Nonlinear Approach," The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 4, 641-650, 2004)
The research confirms the health benefits of the ancient art of reflexology.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Quartz Crystals Science or Magic

Quartz Crystals Science or Magic

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Quartz Crystals Science or Magic

There is no question that quartz crystals are very special. They have been revered throughout the ages as symbols of beauty, health and often power. The latter is sometimes referred to as key to the rise and fall of the mythical civilization of Atlantis. More recently quartz crystals have been associated within New Age circles and applications to holistic health, meditation and personal growth.

Let us first explore the science behind the mystique of quartz crystals. There are many types of natural quartz crystals. The most common ones are amethyst, citrine, rose, smoky and clear. Natural quartz is composed of silicon dioxide molecules. Quartz consisting solely of silicon dioxide is known as clear quartz. The other members of the quartz family are variations. In addition to the fundamental silicon dioxide structure, they also have chemical impurities that were present when the crystal formed. For example amethyst has impurities of manganese oxides, which gives it the typical purple color.

A natural crystal by definition means it has a very regular arrangement of atoms. In quartz these atoms vibrate at a very stable frequency. These characteristics make quartz an excellent receptor and emitter of electromagnetic waves. This is why quartz is commonly used in radios, watches, and numerous electronic technologies. One interesting characteristic of quartz crystal can be observed when electricity is applied to it. The quartz will begin to vibrate which in turn causes the quartz to produce its own weak electric current. This is taken advantage of in the workings of a typical quartz watch.

Quartz crystals are not just found in alternative bookstores and new age circles. In truth, the humble quartz crystal is a major element in today's technological revolution. The conversion of quartz crystals into silicon chips has transformed the world. Quartz has made the digital age possible. It has given us computers, mobile phones and communication breakthroughs. Vast pieces of information to be brought together in a precisely organized way with the silicon chips of a computer.

One of the early pioneers of silicon chip technology was Nobel prize-winning scientist Marcel Vogel. He made a discovery while working as a research scientist for IBM that shook to the core the belief systems of his scientific peers. Vogel discovered that not only can crystals be programmed as silicon chips in a computer, but they also can be programmed with thought. A person sitting at a computer inputs his thoughts through a keyboard. This is stored in the computer's silicon chips via the medium of electricity. Vogel reasoned that like electricity, thought is a form of energy, which is given direction by our intention. He concluded that crystals could also be programmed without the need for electricity, by using just thoughts or clear intention. Vogel designed a multitude of experiments to validate his quantum theories. Like all groundbreaking alternative scientists, the mainstream scientific community ostracized him.

The ability of quartz crystals to transform energy and be programmed by clear thought patterns is being used by many holistic healers, reiki masters and spiritual teachers to assist individuals in their pursuit of a healthy and happy life. Whether psychological or actual, the fact is many individuals report positive results. Yet, there are those that might consider this magic.

Armed with the concepts of quantum physics, the group at N and N Associates Inc. has recently completed work to take the science of quartz crystals to a new level and demonstrate the efficacy and validity of using quartz crystals to promote holistic health. The group has extensively researched key universal vibrational (energy) patterns. These patterns are considered to be the cornerstone of the matrix between the physical universe and the creative life force. N and N has developed a special combination of these patterns that they use to program clear quartz crystals. One of the components of the programming makes the patterns self-regenerating so the crystals never need the traditional periodic energy cleansing.

This work has resulted in the companys developing a cutting-edge technology called the Living Om. This technology is being used to create the holistic jewelry product line called the Sunphire. Endorsed by doctors, yoga teachers and reiki masters, it has been tested at a holistic medical clinic in a three month long blind study. The results proved that when worn consistently, Sunphire jewelry balances and improves chakra energy and acupuncture meridian energy, when compared to those wearing a placebo. This breakthrough represents the newest frontier of interactive holistic jewelry designed to assist individuals to energize, find balance and joyful calm. Made for everyday wear Sunphire jewelry uses natural energies to dynamically support a balanced mind-body state. It is beneficial to meditation, yoga, reiki, massage and all day to day holistic lifestyles.

In conclusion, we could summarize that quartz crystals are truly unique. There is no question that they can learn and reproduce simple, yet powerful patterns, as demonstrated by todays digital technology. Recent work has also proven the validity of using quartz crystals to promote holistic health. While in some circumstances it might be argued that quartz crystals are magical, the power behind quartz crystals has been amply demonstrated using sound science.

Copyright 2005 N and N Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved. Living OM and Sunphire are trademarks of N and N Associates Inc.

Statements made herein are provided for informational purposes and the products should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure a health condition or disease, or to replace the care of a medical professional.

Principles of Human Misery Happiness

Principles of Human Misery  Happiness

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Principles of Human Misery  Happiness

Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that "we" are the most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow.

When we look at the people around us, we most likely find that most people's favorite pastime is to complain. And just why do we complain anyway? Is it because we need something? Is it that we lack something? Is it that we need or want sympathy? Is it because we need attention? Is it just that we just like to complain; or is it that we just like to hear ourselves talk? Is it becoming a pattern with you? These are some of the most common elements that describe our problem.

I generated a list that can either make us happy, or it can make us miserable. Sometimes we need to draw the line for ourselves, and we are the only ones who can do that!

Be Happy!

1- Just simply be happy and content with yourself, and who you are.
2- Love yourself.
3- Accept yourself for who you are, and as you are.
4- Life is simple, stop trying to complicate it.
5- Life is about understanding. The lessons and experiences you have are only for your own growth and for better soul awareness.
6- Discover who you are, and your soul, and get acquainted with that.
7- Make some time for yourself every day.
8- Learn to listen.
9- Pay attention to your child(ren), help your elders, and you will feel fulfilled.
10-Be good to yourself.
11-Accept humiliation as part of your growth.
12-Always have peace of mind. It's not easy, but try to create it.

Life isn't what challenges us, "we" challenge "ourselves".

Be Miserable!

1- Do live for other people and feel miserable.
2- Do look to others for support, become dependent on others.
3- Do live up to a fake image that is not you.
4- Do take care of everyone before yourself.
5- Do always negate yourself.
6- Do love others before loving yourself.
7- Do live according to traditions just to please others or do things that do not fit in with your own philosophy in life.
8- Do live other people's life karma who they are. That including your family. Live your own life karma.
9- Become greedy, jealous, stubborn, or too sensitive to accept criticism.
10-Do allow your ego and pride to take over your life.

Life is simple so let's stop complicating it.

Choices are out there. It is up to you to choose your own direction in life. It is very important to realize that we hold our own destiny in life, and no one else's. It is also very important to understand your own rights, because you do have FREE WILL. Even the GOD, which I refer to as a "Great Energy Force", that you believe in respects your Free Will because you are part of this GOD and that energy is in us always. If your GOD does not respect that, then it becomes a contradiction and goes against all that's out there in all religions. This "great energy force" is all about love, forgiveness and compassion, and not anything else.

When our GOD will respect our Free Will, why aren't we humans respecting each other's Free Will? In many instances we have been raped of our Free Will by the many limitations which are inflicted upon us every day. Such limitations can manipulate the direction we will take in our lives, thus affecting our karma. We do this as individuals and as a society.

When a human Soul says NO to someone, it does NOT mean YES or that they can try to manipulate the other person in order to change their decision, by tapping into their weaker side. No means No and that has to be respected at all times otherwise we are creating karma for our soul.

As a society, we witness this being manifested throughout history by every empire, civilization, or source of power that had surfaced over time. They all came, and disappeared quickly. Why is that? Very simple! When these civilizations were taking control over other civilizations, against their Free Will and their way of life, it helped to create a deep anger, and frustration and all kind of energies that accumulated and became a universal force which was ready to explode at the right time. At the same time these civilizations became greedier, and wanted to control everything until things started to crack and fall apart. We have seen this throughout history and, as we know, history has a way of repeating itself because we never learn. While the pattern remains misunderstood, we will keep repeating it until we learn the intended lesson. I will go over, at a future date, the concept of a nine-year cycle for us as individuals, and how we can apply it to our society.

Money is power - power is control. In our universe there is an abundance of this. Once we learn to share this money, or power, we'll manage not to be afraid that someone will be taking something away from us. Then we will have peace. This kind of inner peace, and the cycle of life, will move us to higher ground. Until then there will be no peace in ourselves. Example: Take rich 'powerful' men. Forget what they can buy, the majority of them are NOT happy and they will always feel like there is something missing, or that cannot be bought with money. Why is this? Very simple, until that rich man learns and understands his wealth and is sharing it with his fellow man and not just giving it away for the sake of giving it (perhaps as a tax write off) that peace will never be found. It is all about sharing the knowledge on how to make it, and to never be afraid that by sharing it they would have anything taken away from them, because there is always an abundance of wealth in the universe. The minute they learn this, they will start to find fulfillment in their life. Consider this for a moment!

So what is Free Will in the first place?

Free Will is very simple. As human beings, it is the one thing that we hold as our ticket in life and that allows us to change the direction of our life when we choose to actually use it.
Free Will, in my view, is the way we perceive our life as well as the way we portray ourselves. When we always see ourselves as victims then there is no place for Free Will in our subconscious. When we see ourselves progress, we see that we have a choice to make a difference, and then we are using our Free Will. We might think that we have no opinion or have no choice in the matter because this is what our society has dictated to us. Many of these influences came upon us only in order to help control our views, and direct us to what they think might suit them, and not necessarily us.

Some of us do not believe in Free Will. That is alright with me because that is their choice and they have the Free Will to do so. I respect this. Believing in Free Will or not, you are still exercising it in your daily life whether you know it or not. Just simply by saying YES or No! How come? Your circumstances and direction in life are dependent on that YES or NO choice that you take and you will live according to that decision. It was your choice wasn't it?

In human terms as an example, it is like the Veto that they have in the United Nations, when countries vote on a resolution. Certain countries have the veto power to turn down a resolution. Now Free Will is given to us to use anytime we need to take a decision in life. Why? In life we are held responsible for all of our decisions, and should not feel guilty any time we use it. It is given to us from that "Great Energy Force" that created our universe, and space, and that allowed us to come here and experiment our growth and evolution in order to be enlightened and progress.

In the end, you can live happily or you can live miserably. Take your life in your own hands and make your own choices! Simplify instead of complicating life.

Joseph Ghabi
The Free Spirit Centre

Student Procrastination Laziness or Anxiety

Image source: Student Procrastination Laziness or Anxiety Procrastinat...