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Greetings friends,
For the past few months, I have been studying and focused on a way to effectively clear all past analogical experiences from people so that they don't get triggered and keep repeating the same emotional reactions over and over. This has led me to studying neuroscience and specifically the amygdala.
The amygdala is the part of the brain that captures, stores, and records the full emotional experience of every past painful event that a person has had. So the amygdala is the brain structure that is responsible for controlling fear, anxiety, and panic.
When we experience a fearful reaction to a certain situation, the memory of that reaction is stored in our amygdala. If we face that same situation again, the memory of our past fear surfaces and we show the same anxious reaction.
This is especially evident with the traders I work with in the Christos Avatar Trading as once they have a painful loss, they are often paralyzed to execute their trades after that or have an emotional reaction when the trade is put on.
Yet, this really applies to EVERYONE, as we have all had experiences of extreme pain, suffering, terror, and have gone into an analogical state of mind (where time seems to just stop), fracturing off our soul's energy into our chakras, DNA template, and amygdala.
This emotional residue causes extreme psychological damage and can ruin relationships as the person is reacting to something that happened BEFORE, not what is happening with their new partner.
Research has shown that since the amygdala gives more weight to NEGATIVE, painful experiences than positive ones, that in order for a marriage or relationship to last, you must create 4 positive experiences for each negative one. This is for ALL types of relationships - romantic, parent/child, professional, etc.
The research studies also show that for FINANCIAL TRADERS, you must have at least 3 wins for every loss in order to trade long-term without having severe psychological damage that will eventually stop your trading career.
And for athletes, you must have at least 3 wins or successful plays for every loss, miss, or failure. If you have less than this, even though you may have a positive attitude, eventually these results will lower your confidence because of what is stored in the amygdala. A positive attitude will not overcome an emotional bank account of loss.
Without a way to clear this, a person will be stuck in a sort of "karmic loop", where the same thing keeps happening to them over and over, as they are PROJECTING this from the inside OUT.
Usually after an anxiety provoking event, the amygdala resets itself to a normal level. But if we continue to experience anxiety or stress over a long period of time, our amygdala is modified and becomes fixed at a high anxiety level. This means that our anxious reactions become ingrained in our subconscious as a kind of habit.
This can eventually lead to fear conditioning, and the disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias such as agoraphobia. It is the increased activity of the amygdala, because of all the painful memories (ids) stored there, that causes the symptoms of anxiety and panic.
Obviously these things cannot be "talked away" by counseling or psychotherapy. They must be dealt with at the QUANTUM level, the energetic source, holographically. Rather than me doing one session at a time for each person to clear this, I have created and recorded a neuroprogram using one of the sacred AH codes (scalar wave program created by Ivonne Delaflor) and specifically designed binaural beats and isochronic tone music for the most powerful, effective brainwave entrainment for healing this.
The neuroprogram is designed to be watched (focusing on the code) and listened to as I guide you through clearing your 15 chakras, DNA template, 4 brain centers (pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata), and finally the AMYGDALA itself, of all past painful analogical experiences.
The neuroprogram can be listened to everyday and I recommend that you do it for at least 7 days in a row or until you feel you are completely clear. This neuroprogram is going to be huge for anxiety sufferers as well as for holistic holographic healing in general, as we all have past painful experiences that affect our current NOW moment. I am actually listening to it daily myself.
Looking forward to assisting you resetting your amygdala so that you can be FREE for 2011 and beyond!~
Toby Alexander
Swami Shivananda Brahmananda
To download the neuroprogram, please CLICK BELOW:
Then login to the Online Store and go to Services -> Classes -> Amygdala Reset Freedom Neuroprogram
Once you order the neuroprogram, you will be sent the link to download it.
Being clear of all fear and anxiety is PRICELESS, and the investment for this program is only $211.00