Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/additudewebinarfinal-151119160158-lva1-app6892/95/the-best-apps-games-and-software-to-help-your-child-succeed-2-638.jpg?cb=1447949483
Greetings friends,
One of my missions this year, before 2012, is to clear the label and condition known as ADD from the planet and activate optimum brain function according to the original divine blueprint for all of humanity. Over the last few months, I have been studying everything from the latest scientific papers and brain SPECT scans as done by psychiatrists like Dr. Amen at the Amen Clinics, to brainwave and neurofeedback techniques, to hypnosis, NLP, natural healing, and have also been guided to the spiritual causes of what has been known on the planet as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
I noticed that about 90% of the traders I have in the room for Christos Avatar Trading have this and this is why no matter how many times I stressed how important it is to follow their trading plan, they continued to trade impulsively and couldn't seem to control their behavior.
My research and experience in working with thousands of adults and their children led me to ascertain that this condition manifests (the original cause) from distortions and blockages in the DNA template (the part of the DNA behind the part we are seeing, the energetic blueprint). DNA is actually the observable portions and chemical translations of scalar wave programs held in the morphogenetic field. And distortions in the template are what manifest into brain imbalances in the biological system. So once the biological brain is physically manifest when the fetus is created, the imbalances are there. In order to treat this and heal it permanently, we cannot just treat the DNA template energetically, and we cannot just focus on the brain. We must clear all blockages in each one and activate each one.
In order to understand ADD, it is important to know the symptoms. The hallmark symptoms of ADD are short attention span, distractibility, disorganization, and poor internal supervision. People with ADD have trouble with regular, routine everyday attention - the kind of attention that makes life work, such as getting your homework done, paying bills on time, being on-time for work, and listening to your spouse or children.
Here is a checklist to see if you, your partner, or your CHILDREN have ADD symptoms:
Do you:
Like scary movies?
Engage in high risk activities like extreme sports or motorcycle riding?
Tend to seek conflict in relationships?
Over focus on a problem when you are upset?
Get distracted easily? (If a little mosquito or bug flies by, do you freak out?)
Get irritated when your clothes do not feel right?
Have difficulty having an orgasm?
Tend to be 10 minutes late to everything?
Self-medicate with caffeine or nicotine?
Have piles of papers on your desk?
Say things before thinking of the consequences?
Wait until the last minute to get things done?
Have trouble saving for retirement and paying your taxes on time?
Have a crisis management approach to life?
Perform worse the harder you try?
Have poor judgment?
Have trouble learning from mistakes?
Tend to be impulsive and have dug yourself a hole with these activities?
(Affairs, massive spending sprees, tantrums, fights, car wrecks, etc.)
If you answered yes to 10 or more of these questions then it is likely you have low activity in your pre-frontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is the supervising boss in your head. When you have low activity in the PFC, it is as if the boss is GONE. So the person doesn't plan, has problems FOLLOWING a plan, and typically multi-tasks all day long between the most exciting, novel activities while avoiding the most important, significant daily tasks that would improve their life the most. An example would be the person that is on Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube all day, and that neglects the important work that requires to be done around the house or in their business to generate income.
People with low PFC activity cannot focus long enough on one thing to get it done, and typically have a closet full of self-help tapes, books, and CD'S that they never even came close to finishing because they found something else that was more "interesting". Basically these people need to activate their PFC, so they will be unconsciously searching for things that will do this. I recently went with a friend in Cancun to a place to watch the NFL football playoff games. This place that he chose had about 15 big screen TV's and a dozen lazy boy chairs in front. So at one time, you could watch all 15 TV's. I thought to myself "This is an ADD person's PARADISE!". They could switch back and forth between the most exciting games and give their PFC the excitement it needed. Also children that love video games do this for the same reason. Their brain is asking for this. Or children that ask you to tell them a scary story - the same thing.
On the other hand, people with normal, balanced pre-frontal cortex activity can FOCUS, they have FORETHOUGHT, IMPULSE CONTROL, are ORGANIZED, are PLANNERS and GOAL SETTERS, are ON-TIME, can FOLLOW THROUGH, have good JUDGMENT, EMOTIONAL CONTROL, great INSIGHT, and can LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES.
So how do we balance the pre-frontal cortex and DNA template without using drugs that have side-effects? Stay tuned for my next article on the subject. Think about it, your brain controls everything that you do. If it is imbalanced, then your actions are imbalanced, your thoughts are chaotic, and no matter how "spiritual" you are, you'll never be able to focus long enough to follow through on your mission. It is estimated that 98% of the inmates in prison have ADD and they are incarcerated because they acted impulsively before THINKING. I think it is time we get this cleared and bring everything back to Divine Right Order.
Looking forward to assisting you with this. Re-read the checklist above and think about how this has affected your life up until this point. If you could have finished what you started (school, college, work assignments, projects, relationships) would it have RADICALLY changed the way your life played out until this point? Contemplate this and we'll talk soon.
Much love and respect,
Toby Alexander