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One of the most exciting experiences in an individual's life is attaining a degree. Taking this step provides people with a wide range of vocational opportunities that can dramatically improve their quality of life by fostering socioeconomic mobility and self-actualization.
As an individual begins thinking about how to get the most out of college, one of the subjects that tends to come up is how to pick a major. This decision is immensely important because it can determine things like job opportunities, pay rate, and networking ability.
Below you'll find several strategies you can implement to narrow down your options when picking a major.
1. Consider the Length of the Program
One of the things you should take into consideration when selecting a major is how long the program will take to complete. This is a particularly important question for individuals who are attempting to complete a degree program as quickly as possible so they can enter the world of work and begin generating an income.
As one example, by pursuing an online masters degree in civil engineering program, you can attain your degree in just 18 to 24 months. Note that this degree could be an incredible resource as it provides the student with engineering competence, management skills, and technical knowledge that will be applicable in multiple fields.
2. Research Job Opportunities
Another thing you should take into consideration when picking a major is the type of job opportunities that the degree program will create for you. For example, individuals who opt to attain a degree in business management can pursue the following positions:
Business adviser
Actuarial analyst
Business analyst
Corporate investment banker
Data analyst
Chartered management accountant
Sustainability consultant
Insurance underwriter
Forensic accountant
Operational researcher
Management consultant
Project manager
Risk manager
Product manager
Social media manager
Keep in mind that each major will make you more marketable within specific fields. For example, individuals who earn an English major may find it easier than others to attain positions such as content writer, editor, newspaper journalist, or proofreader.
3. Consider What Type of Salary You Want to Earn
Make sure you determine what type of salary you can attain with your major before making your final decision. As noted in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, chemical engineers earn an average annual income of $98,340. To work in this field, you need to obtain a degree in chemical engineering.
Another career option you might want to consider is that of an operations research analyst. Individuals who choose this career path can earn about $79,200 annually, and they typically obtain a degree in a field like computer science, math, analytics, management science, operations research, and engineering.
4. Think About Your Deepest Passions
Oftentimes, people pick specific majors because they know that they want to pursue a career path that will entail financial stability. In other cases, individuals select a certain major because their parents expect them to continue the family tradition of pursuing a specific vocation like veterinarian or teacher.
However, it's immensely important to think about what you're actually passionate about when it's time to determine what your major will be. In many cases, people find that pursuing a field that they're not really intrigued with leads to burnout, frustration, and even mental disorders.
In some cases, people find that they are deeply passionate about a field but fail to pursue it because the pay is low. Yet in these instances, it is often possible to employ unique entrepreneurial or networking strategies to ensure that you can generate a substantive salary while still pursuing a field that you love.
Choose the Right Major Now!
If you want to ensure that you can lead an amazing, rewarding life, choosing the right major is immensely important. To increase the likelihood that you will find the ideal major, review the information and advice outlined in this quick reference guide.