Image source: https://www.infographicportal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/8-tips-to-relieve-your-stress-at-workplace.jpg
Employers, personnel managers, and human resource directors will all profit from a better understanding of leisure and its hidden benefits to the company. The toll that stress takes on the individual can be minimized while making a substantial contribution to the over all quality of life. The feeling of satisfaction that comes from participation in leisure activities promotes a sense of general well being which can be observed in higher self confidence of the individual and a more positive attitude at both home and at work.
An employee's capacity to effectively use leisure skills for enhancing the quality of their life is, in fact, a company asset. These skills become strengths which help the individual to cope with all aspects of life. Minor problems at home do not disrupt the work environment as they are now handled at home. The work related stress of movement in the company, new jobs, early or normal retirement do not take on the significance they once did.
Through the development of leisure skills, the employee experiences a sense of well being derived from sources other than work. Life takes on more balance so that personal satisfaction is not totally dependent upon one's career. The self confidence learned from practicing leisure skills in a diverse range of activities actually reinforces the individual's ability to cope with stressful situations in a healthy manner. In other words, the individual develops leisure competence.
From an employer's point of view, the time schedule for retirement is changing. On the one hand, new laws make it possible for a worker to stay on past age sixty five. On the other hand, the realities of the market place may call for reducing the work force and thereby encourage early retirement. Preretirement programs stressing development of leisure skills build an individual's confidence in their ability to cope with a new time of life.
Early retirement schemes have evolved to handle problems of mandatory layoff, corporate restructuring, creating more career opportunities for younger employees, and meeting the needs of a competitive market place. Employee programs that develop new leisure skills can build confidence and enhance self esteem during these unsettling times.
Preretirement education programs focusing on the development of leisure skills can provide the employee with valuable tools for developing new lifestyles and reducing fears about retirement. Simultaneously, the caring and thoughtful consideration demonstrated by the company will have a major effect in improving moral and minimizing doubts and fears employees may have about their future.
Preretirement education and the acquisition of leisure skills can ease the transition for employees into a new life. The bottom line benefits for companies instituting these programs goes far beyond the immediate payroll savings. Companies displaying a sense of social responsibility can expect to see it recognized by younger employees.
The mental, social, and physical skills developed by employees in the pursuit of leisure activities play an important role in bringing a healthy, productive employee into the work place each day. The overstressed employee can find restoration through satisfying leisure activities. Satisfaction coming from participation in an activity reinforces the individuals good feelings about himself. This satisfaction carries over to the employee's positive attitudes towards life in general and into the work place in particular. These skills generate a source of satisfaction with oneself.
For the employer, an active preretirement program means events such as voluntary separation, early retirement, and traditional retirement can be seen as posing less of a threat to the individual. Retirement can now be characterized as an opportunity leading to a more rewarding lifestyle. It need not be viewed as a time characterized by loss of self image and identity.
By mastering leisure skills in each of these five major activities areas, the retiree can begin to build the elements of a full and rewarding life in years to come.
1. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES reap benefits that have been widely documented in both the popular press and in professional journals. Among these are a reduction in heart disease coupled with improved functioning in daily life. This improvement is due to better circulation leading to greater alertness and reduced stress. There is evidence suggesting a direct correlation between physical improvement and emotional well being. Immediate results can be seen in a marked improvement in self esteem and a more positive attitude toward work and household chores.
2. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and the relationships they develop shape much of the substance of our experience. Individuals influence each others' opinions, attitudes, values, and behavior. Information is exchanged in an atmosphere where alternative views can be presented and discussed. Finally, it allows us to see ourselves through the eyes of others. We then learn how others view us which leads to more positive social interaction and greater feeling of overall satisfaction with life.
3. CULTURAL ACTIVITY is both a rewarding and an educational experience. Activities such as reading or attending the theater can be thought of as a form of communication with the great masters of the past. This enhances a feeling of continuity with our shared cultural heritage. In addition, we can gain a greater awareness and understanding of other cultures through these activities.
4. FAMILY ACTIVITIES provide an opportunity for interpersonal interaction that is free from the every day roles of parent and child. This allows for understanding of family members as individuals in a setting of mutual equality. The activities increase family cohesiveness and improve communication.
5. HOBBIES provide activities that allow escape from the "being up" aspect of social interaction. They act as a balance to the work day and compliment the more active forms of social and physical leisure. They are a form of focused attention that allow rest from the problems of every day living. Hobbies also allow creativity that may not be present in the work world.
As the individual develops leisure competency in the five activity areas he or she will be laying the foundation for a well balanced and rewarding life in the years to come.