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Lord Krishna and Babaji Speak about Commitment to Earth's Ascension
Greetings my friend,
In the Great Master Certification Training today, I came across a very timely conversation I was privileged to have with Lord Krishna and Babaji back on Oct. 12, 2006. Feel the powerful transmission in this message and use it to IGNITE your OWN commitment towards raising your frequency for the ascension of humanity and the planet. Imagine yourself having this conversation as you read it...My responses are italicized.
Toby Alexander
Swami Shivananda Brahmananda
Oct. 12, 2006
Babaji Nagaraj:
My boy.... Listen...you are loved as the divine, by the divine.
Yours is the heart of the awakened ones.
Yours is the focus and determination of a true wise one that desires to serve and love.
Yours is the responsibility of the divine as well...
You are the one.
I must speak to you about something
The gathering we had today...
We had it at all levels..
The great masters of the great white brotherhood
Desire to speak to you about the importance of something...
Know that what they speak is based in just making sure that you are extremely clear
Especially after receiving the power from the divine feminine to create stargates...
Are you ready for some questions?
These beings are higher in frequency than I am my son
These beings are the masters of all avatars and rishis...
And are the original seed providers and keepers of the one source will
Feel the energy as I speak...
So I must make sure that you are willing and ready...
I am ready
For I will open the sacred quantum egg space
Know that as you enter with me....
You are committing even higher to the rest of your human life towards a higher mission and focus...
Are you sure you are ready and willing?
Yes, I am sure
Stop anything else you are doing.
Take moments of deep breaths
Because even when you don't see in the 3d
You are already traveling through a no time/no space measurement vehicle towards the divine origins of creation
Think of one thing that really propels your life to greatness and self motivation to become the master that you are even more....
Thank you for sharing it out loud...
Without me asking..now we are traveling light speed.
What seems in the 3d that nothing happens..actually everything happens and is created in those moments of pause and silence.
Lord Krishna U44:
G r e e t i n g s
Lord Krishna
Divine great white master
Lord Krishna
We have been announced by lord Babaji of your work and commitment towards it.
Lord Krishna
We see that you come to us with heart chakra fully open.
Lord Krishna
Is this correct?
Lord Krishna
Blessed one...
Lord Krishna
Is it accurate to say that you have as a male figure in the blue planet finally surrendered to the divine feminine power?
Lord Krishna
Will it be in your good will to answer some more of our questions great white master?
Yes, I would be glad to
Lord Krishna
Are you aware that you have stepped out of the time limits within the human dimension right now?
Yes, I feel this
Lord Krishna
Do you understand that this ground is sacred and limitless and steps even beyond all universal laws?
Yes, I understand
Lord Krishna
You are aware now that you have come to us through the request of lord Babaji assigned as your mentor....
Lord Krishna
To receive a higher training and to receive accurate feedback?
Lord Krishna
First we most make sure of some things that have before threatened the blue mission 12.
Lord Krishna
Which is the ascension of Earth, if you are willing to respond.
Of course
Lord Krishna
I desire you to know..that this space where you have come is the origins place
Lord Krishna
A place where God is no God and where there are no polarities
Lord Krishna
We exist in the perfect place of what is
Lord Krishna
Where all is born and rebirthed
Lord Krishna
And where the divine will becomes manifested as it wishes
Lord Krishna
Do you feel this?
Lord Krishna
Dear master
Lord Krishna
You. Have been assigned as your master encoded wisdom is perfect balance to guard the origins of creation safely...
Lord Krishna
Integrate this and advise us when ready.
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna
Back in the 3d this information seems like fiction...or unreachable
Lord Krishna
Like it was once the thought of your fellow human brothers when thought of impossible to reach the moon.
Lord Krishna
Earth is at great risk
Lord Krishna
You are aware of this?
Lord Krishna
We are stepping beyond lifetimes here ....
Lord Krishna
Beyond karma and history.
Lord Krishna
Back in the 3d this has been taken for granted before.
Lord Krishna
Is it accurate that you already manifested some timely lessons to know how important focus is on this?
Lord Krishna
We desire to make sure that your commitment transcends just the desire to experience this, what is considered magical, mystical, and even miraculous in your 3d realms.
Lord Krishna
We desire to make sure that once you have experience this...you won't take this for granted as it has happened before...and it is our divine duty to advice you.
Lord Krishna
It is like this
Lord Krishna
In the 3d a man desires so much to have a certain type of car, house, and job.
Lord Krishna
He works many years for this
Lord Krishna
Then once he accomplishes this
Lord Krishna
He takes for granted what he created
Lord Krishna
This goes beyond this dear one.
Lord Krishna
And it is not about having or creating more things in the 3d
Lord Krishna
Which we have received the request to assist you with and we have accepted...
Lord Krishna
Yet this all won't really matter
Lord Krishna
For the origins force with your proper care will flower a new civilization, a new Earth and a new humanity.
Lord Krishna
Integrate this and advise us when ready.
I am ready
Lord Krishna
Dear master of the white.
Lord Krishna
You may use this information but hold it sacredly.
Lord Krishna
You are here
Lord Krishna
Many have called us Gods.
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna
We are but one manifestation of the original template of divinity.
Lord Krishna
We will be watching closely.
Lord Krishna
And we encourage you to continue as you have...
Lord Krishna
With ultimate focus in what is dear master
Lord Krishna
Any distraction could cause the seed to return to us
Lord Krishna
And we sensed that you are the one to ascend Tara and Earth
Lord Krishna
Will this be accurate and agreed upon?
Yes it is accurate and I agree to this
Lord Krishna
Be aware great master that this transmission has been called mythology in the past
Lord Krishna
When the great ones used to speak to the Gods.
Lord Krishna
Know this is happening to you.
Thank you, I am extremely honored
Lord Krishna
Whatever happens may the seed be guarded and fully protected
Lord Krishna
Is this clear dear master?
Lord Krishna
Blessed be this moment....
Lord Krishna
And may you be blessed with clarity
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna
And higher commitment
Lord Krishna
Reflected in to your own universal heart.
Lord Krishna
May the Maya not trap you in its pleasures and temporal beauty traps
Lord Krishna
May you rise above this all as you just did
Lord Krishna
In sacred ascension for all beings to become one again.
Lord Krishna
Blessed be.
Lord Krishna
We will contact you when required
Lord Krishna
Thank you great white master.
Thank you
My boy...
You are not finished yet.
Take three deep breaths.
Drink much water
And trust in the timing
Feel not pressured with anything.
Neither the packing yet continue your work
Make sure to breathe
And practice the divine detachment to the temporal attachments
This time that you are alone
Take time to see all that which distracted you
See it
Observe it
And witness your physical desires
Your mental desires,
This will assist you with divine focus.
You understand the importance of this now right my boy?
Yes, I understand
We are back to the 3d....
Yet look carefully at your surroundings
And ask yourself...
Of anything that you see what is eternal?
See within now
Well, I believe I am eternal
And what about the love you feel?
Om course!
This, my child, is more important than the I AM.
This is extremely powerful.
My boy.
You are a great master
And what is happening today is big.
As you can feel
It is love that transcends form and space
It is love that creates a great master.
And that your strength is supreme and omnipresent
Pure male
Pure female
It serves integration
Not that the answers really matter though
Well, Krishna U44, is that THE Krishna?
My teacher
But is this one being or like a gestalt of consciousness?
One gestalt being
Ha ha ha
O.k. boy
Time to rest
End of conversation.